RSS Feed Submit | RSS Submission Software

RSS Feeds Submit - Best RSS Submission Software
Auto-Submit RSS Feeds To Over 58 Blog and RSS Directories!
Build Link Popularity And Rank Higher In Search Engines
Drive Instant and Targeted Visitors

Submit RSS Feed

Submit RSS Feed to RSS Feed Directory Using RSS Feed Software!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Submit RSS Feeds | RSS Submission Software

Submit RSS Feeds – RSS Submission Software

Submit RSS Feeds using RSS submission software is an easy task. Most RSS feed directories require you to provide some information and details of your RSS feeds. Since each RSS directory uses a different form interface, it can be very tedious to submit RSS feeds to each individual directory. This is how the whole submission process goes - go to one directory and fill in form fields for every single website you have, then repeat it for the whole list of directories.

RSS submission software like RSS Feeds Submit and RSS Planter do a great job in submitting to RSS feed directories.

RSS Feeds Submit

RSS Feed Submit | RSS Submission Software

RSS Feeds Submit submits RSS feeds to over 58 blog and RSS feed directories. The beauty of this tool is it has a built-in automatic submission function that allows you to submit your feed details with one click. The interface is a no-brainer and submission is smooth. Be ready to start receiving traffic after you have submitted your feeds. For those who prefer manual submission, you may also do so with this RSS submission software. RSS Feeds Submit is affordable to all with a price tag of $29.95.

RSS Planter

RSS Planter | RSS Submission Software

RSS Planter submits RSS feeds to 57 news/RSS directories. We like the simplicity of its interface. It is easy to set up and use. For a price of $29.95, it is a steal.

Some people prefer to submit RSS feeds manually, presumably so that they can make sure that feed details are correctly submitted. If you like to submit RSS feeds manually, we have compiled a comprehensive list according to alphabetical order here for your usage. Bookmark our web page so that you can access each RSS directory.

2RSS - submit RSS and assign appropriate category

4Guys from Rolla - submit feeds

ASP Index - submit RSS feeds

Auto Feeds - Submit automotive feeds only.

BulkFeeds - submit RSS feeds

Complete RSS - enter the url(s) of the feeds you wish to add to the directory.

DevASP - add feed listing

DayPop - post your RSS feeds

DeskFeeds - RSS feed and blog submissions

Edu RSS - submit only feeds in educational technology and related issues. All feeds are reviewed before being added to the list.

easyRSS – submit RSS feeds

Ez2News - Submit RSS feeds

FeedFury - Submit RSS feeds

FeedDirectory - Submit RSS feeds

FeedAge - Submit RSS feeds

Feed Directory - submit RSS feeds.

FeedBeagle - submit feeds

FeedPlex - submit feeds

Feeds4All - submit RSS feeds - add RSS feeds

Feedster - submit your RSS feeds

FeedFarm – submit RSS feeds; all submitted feeds are reviewed

FastBuzz - submit feeds

Feed24 - RSS feed submissions

FeedCat - Submit RSS feeds; allows you to select the appropriate category

FeedMiner - Submit RSS feeds; select appropriate category to submit under

Feeds2Read - add your RSS feeds

Feedzie - add your RSS feeds

FeedBomb - Select the correct category and suggest a feed.

FeedSee - Submit feeds using keyword searches.

Feedooyoo - Submit RSS feeds

Finance Investing Feeds – Only submit finance or investment related feeds.

FindRSS - Submit RSS feeds

FuzzySoftware - submit XML listings

Government Feeds - Submit feeds ONLY from government agencies.

GeneCast - RSS news feed submissions

GoldenFeed - Submit RSS feeds

JordoMedia - suggest RSS feeds

Memigo - submit a news link to memigo

Medical Feeds - Submit medical care or health-related feeds.

MoreOver - Moreover connects to thousands of online sources handpicked for excellence and trustworthiness. In order to maintain the quality of the directory all submission are evaluated prior to inclusion.

News Goblin - Submit automotive feeds only.

nFeeds - Submit RSS feeds only.

Newzfire - submit RSS feeds

NewsFeedFinder - submit RSS feeds

NewsMob - submit RSS news feeds

NewsXS - submit RSS feeds

National Lib for Health - Submit Medical feeds

Octora RSS Feeds - Submit RSS feeds

Ping-O-Matic - RSS feed submissions for pinging

Political Feeds - Submit political feeds and podcasts.

Postami - submit RSS feeds

PubSub - PubSub reads more than 2 million syndicated feeds, matches messages to subscriptions and delivers messages to subscribers in real time.

Plazoo - submit RSS feeds

RSS Mad - add an RSS feed (on bottom right)

RSS Portal - add your RSS feeds

RSS Feed 4U - add your RSS feeds

RSS Clipping - add RSS urls

Read A Feed - add RSS urls

RSS Feeds Directory - Submit RSS feeds; select the appropriate category to submit

Realty Feeds - Submit only home related RSS feeds. Be sure to select the appropriate category.

Religious Podcasts - Submit only podcasts that relate to religion, sermon or spiritual beliefs.

RSS Network - submit RSS feeds

RSS Locator - submit RSS feeds

Rocket News - post your RSS feeds

RocketInfo - submit your RSS content and feed

RSSFeeds - submit RSS feeds

RSS Verzeichnis - German feed submissions only

RSSMotron - Submit RSS feeds

RSSMicro - Submit RSS feeds

Science Port - Add RSS feeds

Submit Feeds - RSS submission feeds

StepNewz - submit RSS news feeds

Syndic8 - submit RSS feeds

Security Protection Feeds - Submit only security or protection related feeds

Sports Feeds - Submit sports related RSS feeds and podcasts. submit News using XML

Search4RSS - submit RSS feeds

SourceForge - submit news feeds

Shas3 - Submit RSS feeds; select the appropriate category

Thomas Korte - automated feed submissions

Technorati - submit your RSS feed to be pinged

Terrar - RSS feed submissions

The Feed Spot - submit feeds

Userland - submit RSS feeds

Wordum - Submit automotive feeds only

Yenra - submit RSS news feed

All successful webmasters have ready tools like RSS Feeds Submit and RSS Planter to submit RSS feeds to these RSS directories. Consider investing in these tools that would drive considerable traffic to your websites and save you a great deal of time.

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Submit RSS Feeds

Submit RSS Feeds to RSS Feed Directory with RSS Submission Software

RSS technology has totally changed the internet landscape when it found its way online since early 2000. RSS is the acronym for Really Simple Syndication. I shall attempt to simplify the terminology behind RSS as we walk through and understand what RSS is, what role RSS can play in website promotion and why we need RSS submission software like RSS Feeds Submit.

RSS feeds are XML files. The primary purpose of RSS feeds is to give you updated web content that dynamically changes. If you are familiar with static HTML, you would know that the content doesn’t change, that’s why it’s called static content. Webmasters use RSS feeds to display fresh content on their websites so that visitors can constantly find new information. Gone are the days where webmaster has to constantly hunt for new web content and update their web pages. Nowadays, once they have parsed their web pages and enabled RSS feed display on their websites, visitors can easily view the content.

Our browsers are built to read HTML files. XML files are not exactly readable through our default browsers. In order to read these files, we would need RSS readers or aggregators. These readers could be web-based or operate as a Windows application. Input the RSS feed and the content is displayed in readable format.

Who Uses RSS Feeds?

Webmasters as we have mentioned use RSS feeds from new sources from Google, Yahoo, article directories or commercial websites to display the latest news stories or informational material on their websites. This has two immediate benefits – one in providing fresh content to entice repeat visitors, and the other to rank better in major search engines like Google and Yahoo. In recent years, SEO places much emphasis on web content; how often it is updated, and how unique the content is. Using RSS feeds would ensure that web pages continue to offer relevant content to readers.

Anyone who wants to find research material or read the latest scoop on financial and world news, journals and entertainment gossip can find the RSS feeds at major RSS feed directories.

Why Do People Submit RSS Feeds to RSS Feed Directories?

Webmasters also build RSS feeds from their websites for distribution to RSS feed directories. Folks looking for information or research materials in specific niches can find what they need at places like Feedster, Technorati, etc. The main reason of doing so is to gain greater exposure and drive more traffic to their websites. Each RSS feed that is displayed on another website is effectively a link back to their website.

Commercial companies, publishers or news press do make use of RSS feeds as a medium to distribute news, or advertise their products. Amazon is a great example. People who subscribe to their feeds would get the most updated news or latest promotional offers, while these RSS feed owners get to reach a targeted audience. It is mutually beneficial.

The problem webmasters, commercial companies, or small businesses face when they submit RSS feeds is it can take considerable time to submit to all the online RSS feed directories. There is a way to work around this, that is, using RSS submission software to submit their RSS feeds.

Read more about the most popular RSS submission software webmasters and business owners are using to submit RSS feeds to RSS feed directories in my next post.

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Submit RSS Feed Blog

Submit RSS Feed

Submit RSS Feed today using the best RSS submission software! Learn from this blog tips on RSS feeds and how RSS submission software and help you to submit RSS feed to RSS feed directories at lightning speeds.

Submit RSS Feed

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